


◆ 日時:2018年1月15日(月) 16:00~18:00
◆ 場所:明治大学駿河台キャンパス グローバルフロント1階 多目的室
◆ 講演者:Jamie Peck, University of British Columbia
◆ 内容:At the limits of entrepreneurial urbanism: Detroit, Atlantic City, and financialized urban governance

※ パワーポイントを使った英語での報告を予定。事前申し込み不要。

The recent bankruptcy of Detroit and the near-bankruptcy of the failing casino capital of Atlantic City raise new and challenging questions about the direction of urban politics in the United States.  Extreme but not entirely exceptional cases, these cities have not only run out of money, for a long time now they have also been running out of options.  States of financial emergency having been declared in both cities, they have since been subject to unforgiving forms of structural adjustment and unilateral governance, extending to the suspension of local democratic control.  Urban growth machines have been underperforming for some time now, but in Detroit and Atlantic City they have broken down altogether, public-policy priorities having since shifted from growth restoration to sociospatial triage and governmental downsizing.  These developments call into question not only the viability of growth-machine strategies but perhaps even the received model of the entrepreneurial city itself.

Short biography:
Jamie Peck is Canada Research Chair in Urban & Regional Political Economy and Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia, Canada.  With long-term research interests in urban political economy, neoliberalization, labor studies, and economic geography, his recent books include Offshore: exploring the worlds of global outsourcing (2016), Fast policy: experimental statecraft at the thresholds of neoliberalism (2015, with Nik Theodore), Constructions of neoliberal reason (2010), and the Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography (2012, coedited with Trevor Barnes & Eric Sheppard).  Jamie Peck is the editor-in-chief of the Environment and Planning journals.
